The Ocean Park Conservation Alliance (the “Programme”) is organised by the Ocean Park Academy Hong Kong (OPAHK) (the “Organiser”). The students are invited to participate as Seahorse Rangers (the “Rangers”) to develop innovative conservation solutions to “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Member Schools” (the “Member Schools”) and across community.


1. Eligibility
  1. Any student attending "kindergartens", "primary schools" or "secondary schools" (including special schools among these school levels) classified under the school level of Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government are eligible for the Programme, and not available for schools classified as “others”.
  2. Any students under the age of eighteen (18) must have the prior consent of his/her parents or legal guardian through circular in order to participate in the Programme and kept it in school as a record until completion of the Programme.
  3. The Consent Form shall be (1) signed by the parents or the legal guardian of the students consenting to (i) the students’ participation in the Programme, (ii) the use of the students’ photographs or videos taken during the Programme by the Organiser for educational and promotional purposes.
  4. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse anyone's entry to the Programme and to request any person to cease participating in the Programme if, in the sole discretion of the Organiser, such person (i) fails to comply with any of the Terms; or (ii) is found to have behaved in an illegal or anti-social manner; or (iii) is found to have violated any of these Terms. The decision of the Organiser in this regard shall be binding and conclusive.

2. Seahorse Rangers
  1. The Rangers must be nominated by their respective Member Schools and the Registration (as defined hereinafter) must be made by the Member School for the Students. A maximum of 30 students could be nominated from each school.
  2. The Member School must nominate the Rangers through the registration form in the Programme website (https://oceanparkacademy.ievent.hk/ )(the “Website”).
  3. The Campaign will be opened for registration on 28 August 2023 and will be closed on 27 October 2023 at 11:59 p.m. (Hong Kong Time GMT +8).
  4. The quota is 3000 students from 100 Member Schools on a first-come-first-served basis.
  5. The email address and contact of responsible teachers provided under the registration form will be used for all communication with the Organiser.

3. Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Accreditation System
  1. The School must register (the “Registration”) and create a user account on the application system in the online platform (the “Online Platform”) of the Programme website (https://oceanparkacademy.ievent.hk/) (the “Website”) to become “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Member School” (the “Member School”).
  2. The Campaign will be opened for registration on 21 August 2023 and will be closed on 3 May 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (Hong Kong Time GMT +8).
  3. Pre-registered Member Schools are exempted from item (a) and (b).
  4. The quota is 100 Member Schools on a first-come-first-served basis.
  5. The email address provided under the Registration will be used for all communication with the Organiser.


1. “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Outstanding School”
  1. The Member School must complete the three Flagship Activities to become “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Outstanding School” (the “Outstanding School”).
  2. The Member School must submit the details of the three Flagship Activities, including activity date, number of participants, photos and brief introduction of the activity by 5 June 2023 through the “Online Platform”.
  3. The actual submission time shall be based on the time the submission is received by the server of the Online Platform. Member School with late submission would not be accepted.

2. “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Champion School” (the “Champion School”)
  1. The Outstanding School must submit a report highlighting the conservation effort in school to become the Champion School by 31 May 2024.
  2. The award would be divided into 2 categories:
    1. Distinguished Community Service Award
    2. Innovation Award
  3. The awards will be open for registration on 21 August 2023 and will close on 3 May 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (Hong Kong Time GMT +8).
  4. The actual submission time shall be based on the time the submission is received by the server of the Online Platform. Member School with late submission would not be accepted.

3. Divisions
  1. The Programme is divided into the following divisions of Member School:
    1. Kindergarten
    2. Primary School
    3. Secondary School

4. Carnival & Student Summit
  1. All Member Schools are eligible to participate in Carnival and Student Summit held on 6 July 2024. .
  2. Selected schools would be invited to hold game booth and present in Carnival and Student Summit respectively.
  3. he selection would be based on 3-min summary video on booth ideas and deliverables for Carnival, and a 3-min summary video on presentation topic for Student Summit.
  4. All Member Schools could submit the selection videos from 25 Mar 2023 to 31 May 2023 (Hong Kong Time GMT +8).
  5. The actual submission time shall be based on the time the submission is received by the server of the Online Platform. Member School with late submission would not be accepted.
  6. Shortlisted candidates would be announced on 7 June 2023.


1. Seahorse Ranger
  1. Each Seahorse Ranger would receive a welcoming pack, including 1-year learning pass, badge, collection booklet, hat and t-shirt.
  2. Learning pass should only be used by the Rangers to explore and learn in Ocean Park.
  3. All materials are dedicated for a specific Ranger and they are non-transferable.
  4. Ranger who have completed the tasks in collection booklet would be awarded with a certificate.

2. cean Park Conservation Alliance Accreditation System
  1. Each Member School would be awarded with a banner or trophy.
  2. Each Champion School would be awarded with a banner or trophy.

3. Flagship Activities
  1. Three “Best Participating School” or other awards would be provided in each division for each Flagship Activity.
  2. Each “Best Participating School” or other awardee would be awarded with a banner or plague.


1. Application and Deliverable
  1. Each Member School is solely responsible for the submission. Each Member School undertakes and represents that his/her Application and all Deliverables will not:
    1. infringe or otherwise violate the intellectual property rights of any third party, including copyrights, moral rights, patents, trademarks, design rights, trade secrets and rights of publicity;
    2. disclose or rely upon the confidential or proprietary information of a third party without appropriate written permission;
    3. contain libellous, defamatory, disparaging or unlawful content;
    4. invade the privacy or publicity rights of any person (living or deceased), or otherwise infringe upon a third party’s personal or proprietary rights;
    5. violate any laws or regulations;
    6. include sexually explicit subject matter;
    7. depict or inspire violence, weapons or dangerous stunts;
    8. depict discrimination, bigotry, harm or hatred;
    9. depict or inspire tobacco or illicit drug usage;
    10. promote activities that are illegal;
    11. include off-topic, inflammatory, inappropriate, illegal, or offensive content;
    12. include any advertisements or solicitations of business;
    13. promote any political agenda;
    14. contains software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or any other computer code or files that are designed to disrupt, damage, or limit the functioning of any software or hardware; or
    15. reflect negatively on the goodwill of the Organiser.
  2. During the Programme, the Application and the Deliverables prepared by the Member School must (a) be in one of the specified common digital formats, such as text, PDF, JPG, hyperlink (if applicable); and (b) otherwise comply with these Terms.

2. Publicity
  1. The students may be filmed or photographed while participating in the Programme, Carnival and Student Summit and the Organiser may collect photographs, audio-visual footage, comments, and any other record of the students’ participation in the Programme, Carnival and Student Summit. The students hereby consent and agree to the collection, use, processing and disclosure of such Personal Data by the Organiser for educational and promotional purposes globally and permanently.
  2. By joining the Programme, the students agree to participate in any media, promotional activity or publicity related to the Event without payment or compensation, if requested to do so by the Organiser.

3. Modification and Cancellation of any activity related to the Programme

The Organiser may change or cancel any activity related to the Programme at any time and for any reason, including cheating, technology failure, catastrophe, epidemics or pandemics, war or any other unforeseen or unexpected event that affects the conduct of the Programme. If the Programme cannot take place in such circumstances, the Organiser may select awardees from among all eligible Applications received before such cancellation, change or suspension and the decision of the Organiser in this regard is final and conclusive. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the shall not be liable towards any student in any way for any loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered or incurred (directly or indirectly) by such student in relation to the Programme, or any changes to or cancellations of the Programme (in whole or in part).

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